Last fall, Bob's parents decided it was time to buy a "cottage" up north. They ended up with a beautiful three bedroom, two bathroom house on two acres! For memorial day, we decided that we would all go up there to relax. Our trip did not start out very relaxing at all!
Thursday night, we got everything packed and loaded into the Mountaineer. Bob ran across the street to drop off the mailbox keys and I got in and started the truck. Well, the radio, windows, a/c, etc. decided not to work. No problem, I just shut it off and restarted thinking this would reset everything. I did this three times and nothing was working. At this point, Bob started getting nervous. He came to our driveway and asked me what was going on. After filling him in, he started tinkering with it. After about 20 minutes, he decided to drive it around the block to see if they would come back on. Nope! At this point I had Gavin out of the car because he was getting fussy. We went over the the neighbor's house to chat with them until Bob got back. Well, nothing was working yet! Bob and our neighbor started working again. After getting Raegan out of the car and waiting yet another 45 minutes, the guys finally discovered it was one lousy, burned out 15 amp fuse! We pulled one out of the car, stopped at Auto Zone to buy the variety pack in case anything else happened and finally pulled out of town one hour and 15 minutes later than we planned! The rest of the journey up north was very uneventful.
Bob's parents made it up on Friday afternoon. We went into town to the local bar for pizza and then home for a bonfire in the back yard. Saturday was our 6th wedding anniversary - I can't believe it! :) We went into Mount Pleasant for dinner at Mountain Town Station and to buy Gavin a long sleeved shirt (it was colder than I thought!). Bob and Carol kept the kids and I'm sure they were very spoiled! When we got home, Raegan was in bed, but the rest of us had some ice cream to celebrate.
Sunday was the big day for their association! A pig roast and luau! We met some of Carol's family down at the activity center for dinner. There were two little girls for Raegan to play with - Liliana & Eva. They all had a blast together! After dinner, we took the girls to play in the park and then into the shelter to listen to the band. This part of the evening was even more hillbilly than events in North Dakota! The girls danced to the band while we all laughed! It was quite funny.
Monday we all got up and got ready to go home. It was a great relaxing time and I can't wait to get back up there this summer. However, right now Bob and I are planning a trip to North Dakota for late July.