Friday, June 29, 2007
Toddler Flu . . .
Yuck! Raegan got a fever last night so we gave her Tylenol and put her to bed. We didn't think anything else about it. Bob and I got up this morning and got ready like normal. He went in and got Raegan. When I gave her a kiss, she felt REALLY warm. I went and got the thermometer while he took her pajamas off. The thermometer said 105.1!!!! Oh, my GOD!!! So, we tried to get her to take some more tylenol and of course, she wanted nothing to do with it. After much "mom" anxiety, I called the ask a nurse through our pediatrician's office. She said NOT to give her a shower, just get her to take her Tylenol. I was thinking "You tell a two year old she HAS to do something!" After I hung up, Raegan threw up! I was thining "Great! She has the flu!" Now, both Bob and I had things going on at work that we really had to attend to. I know, it's Friday and I am supposed to be off! Today is our annual employee picnic, which I am in charge of. Bob has an important meeting in Holland, about 3 1/2 hours away. So, I took Gavin (aka Mr. Smiley) to daycare and went to work at my normal time. He could stay home until 10:00, so I came home about 9:45 to tag him out. I called my mother-in-law to let her know what was going on and she said she would stop by. It was so sweet! She brought Raegan a get well balloon and a Dora balloon! While she was here, Raegan threw up again! Carol left and I just her down for a nap. I hope that all is well with her. I feel so bad! I wish I could be sick for her!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Since Gavin is now four months old, it was time to start cereal. He did start with the rice cereal and didn't seem to care for it too much. Yesterday I started him on oatmeal and boy did he like it! I was feeding him while Raegan was taking a nap so it was nice and peaceful. Gavin just couldn't get enough of the cearal - BUT he doesn't quite have the swallowing thing down yet. By the time we were done with his little tiny bit of cereal, we both needed a bath!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
4 Months Old
Gavin was officially 4 months old on Friday, but he just went to the doctor today.
14 lbs, 5 oz
26 inches
He is a big and growing boy! Officially he has outgrown his infant car seat, BUT since he can't sit up yet, we're going to keep him in it. That way when I go to the store, I have somewhere to keep him. He's hitting and exceeding all milestones - coos and talks, grabs objects, laughs & smiles, etc. . . He does still have some acid reflux issues so we have switched his medication to Prevacid. It's nice in that he only takes it once a day, but it is not FDA approved for babies because noone is willing to sign their baby up for a clinical trial. We are giving it six days (number of free samples we got) to see if it works any better for him.
Other than that, he is just a sweet baby who gets more kisses than he can handle! (mostly from his big sister)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Bob's first father's day as a father of 2 started out great! First of all, we were up north, but even better - Gavin slept through the night! When both kids were up, they crawled in bed with us and gave Bob his gifts. He did get his Magellan Maestro GPS navigation system early so he could play with it on our way up north but the kids did get him a book and bookmark. We're hoping that the bookmark is Raegan proof as she is famous for taking your bookmark out and handing it to you (just ask my parents!). We took Bob and Carol out to breakfast at Nana's Kitchen, stopped at the park to play for a while (Nana and Raegy had some problems on the swing!) and then back to the cabin to clean up for the drive home. Again, a present to Bob - both kids slept until the last 1/2 hour of the drive home. Everyone was in a great mood until bedtime.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Grandpa's night out!
Last night, Bob and his brother Mike took their dad and grandpa to the Tiger's game - who knew that they would be watching history!! Just to give some background, Bob's grandma is currently losing a battle with cancer. Luckily she is able to be at home and have hospice come in. However, their grandpa can get a little stressed out at times. Bob and Mike thought it would be nice to get him out to a game, especially since he is a HUGE tiger's fan! This is the game that happened to work best for everyone! Lucky them!!! :)
Anyway, they all met at our house and took off for downtown. It was a beautiful night and they all had a ball!

The girls; Bob's mom, aunt Laura, aunt Linda, Raegan and I (Gavin too of course!)all went down to his grandparents house to hang out with Grandma. There were spoiled babies, a sack of sliders and pedicures galore! Raegan kept us all entertained, like usual! She also made out because aunt Linda bought her a couple of Dora dolls and uncle Glenn sent her a cute kitten necklace!
Anyway, they all met at our house and took off for downtown. It was a beautiful night and they all had a ball!
The girls; Bob's mom, aunt Laura, aunt Linda, Raegan and I (Gavin too of course!)all went down to his grandparents house to hang out with Grandma. There were spoiled babies, a sack of sliders and pedicures galore! Raegan kept us all entertained, like usual! She also made out because aunt Linda bought her a couple of Dora dolls and uncle Glenn sent her a cute kitten necklace!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Playing with Nathan
Raegan LOVES to go to our friends, Myke & Dee's, because they have a son, Nathan, who is 6 1/2 months younger than her. They always have a ball together, but seem to have the most fun swimming!

We were over for a bbq on Sunday and the kids were able to swim, play with the dogs, get a ride behind the 4 wheeler and just be 2 year olds! One of their last treats was a ride behind the 4-wheeler on a wagon. Let's just say that we're not sure what the dad's were thinking - they both came back smelling like gas! Needless to say, they both ended up in the bath.

Can't wait to get them together more! We are really hoping that Myke & Dee will provide Gavin a little friend to play with as well :)
We were over for a bbq on Sunday and the kids were able to swim, play with the dogs, get a ride behind the 4 wheeler and just be 2 year olds! One of their last treats was a ride behind the 4-wheeler on a wagon. Let's just say that we're not sure what the dad's were thinking - they both came back smelling like gas! Needless to say, they both ended up in the bath.
Can't wait to get them together more! We are really hoping that Myke & Dee will provide Gavin a little friend to play with as well :)
Monday, June 11, 2007
Rollin', rollin', rollin . . . .

Gavin is now rolling! He has been rolling front to back for a while, but tonight while we were eating dinner he rolled over from back to front. He really grunted and struggled, but with all of the rolls and weight that he has to move, I guess that is to be expected! :) He goes for his four month check up on Monday, June 18 so I will update you again then.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Like mother, like daugher . . .
Let me start off by saying that Raegan is fine! I on the other hand had about five years scared off of my life!
Yes, Raegan has inherited her gracefullness from her mother. This morning I was ironing downstairs and Raegan was playing upstairs. She decided to come down to see me and I heard her counting her way down the stairs when all of a sudden I heard THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. I screamed "Oh my God!!!!!" so loud that Bob thought for sure he would see a large pool of blood. Raegan had fallen and came down the last half of the stairs on her back, head first. Let me just tell you that I was SOOOOO upset!!!! Of course, she was crying. I was asking her to tell me where it hurt. Bob was able to get both of us calmed down enough taht we could take Raegan's clothes off to survey the damage. She had a little scrap on the top part of her spine, some bruising on her back and a tiny knot on her head. After about 10 minutes, she was fine! Because we were still a little nervous, we would only let her sleep for 15 minutes at a time. She was really tired by bedtime! Much to our relief she is fine except for a little bruising. She does tell me to be carful when I go down the stairs - it's pretty cute!
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