Bob has been traveling a lot the last couple of months. One of the conferences he attended was in Traverse City so we decided to make it a little family outing and take the kids up there. It was perfect color season!
We drove up late Wednesday morning and surprisingly, the trip went really well! I do attribute this to our new dual-screen DVD player. (Gavin does not watch this yet!!) Once we made it to the resort and got settled in, we took a walk around. We found the pool and of course Raegan wanted to head right in there! We had a bite to eat in one of the restaurants and went back to the condo to try to get the kids in bed on time.
On Thursday, we took Bob to the conference and went back to hang out in the condo. When Bob had a break, we ran back up to the main building and Raegan and I went swimming. She had a ball and did not want to leave the pool. We went back to the condo for a quick nap and dinner. We had made a reservation at the resort day care so that Bob and I could attend the McKenna party that night. It was really nice to get away and have some fun.
Friday, I took the kids shopping while Bob went to the last of his meetings. Then he took Raegan swimming and we all had a relaxing night.
Saturday morning, we packed the car and decided it was too nice to just jump in the car and drive home. We went downtown Traverse City, had lunch and shopped a little bit. Then we took the kids to the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes. Raegan thought that was great! She was singing the Wiggles song "Rollin' down the sand hillls" the whole time. Then we went into downtown Glen Arbor for a while.
The drive home was pretty uneventful, thankfully!