Raegan experienced the "Greatest Show on Earth" this weekend! Our friends, Myke, Dee& Nathan, had extra tickets to the circus and invited us to go. I made the HUGE mistake of telling Raegan about this a couple of days before we went. Every morning she wanted to go to the circus with Nathan. The day finally came and Raegan was up at 5:30 am ready to go! The good thing was that I got all of our laundry done before Dee picked us up at 8:30.
We took the kids to
breakfast at McDonald's before heading to the Palace. Raegan did not want to go to breakfast because she thought that meant she didn't get to go to the circus. Once we got that figured out, she was fine with eating.
After breakfast, we headed to the Palace. We had to stand in line for a while, and Raegan was a maniac! She was dancing around, yelling "look at the ponies" at the flags they had decorating the place. I had to keep telling her to stay by us so we didn't lose her.
Once we were inside, we were able to go onto the floor for some pre-circus activities. The kids were able to
try on the costumes, ride the motorcycles &
barrel horses,
watch the elephants and other acts. I thought that Raegan would freak out by all of this stuff. Boy was I wrong - she LOVED it!! Throughout the whole show she
danced in the aisle! I guess the cotton candy and
marshmallows I let her have could have played a role in it but since she was spending the night with her Nana and Papa, I let her indulge. She really had a good time and now I can't wait to take her back!

She crashed on the way home!