Yes, the rumors are true, we are living in the house of vomit.
Poor Raegan got the flu last Tuesday. She threw up at daycare and came home with a horrible fever. That lasted through the night. Luckily the vomiting stopped and only the fever remained. Bob and I decided to keep her home on Wednesday. Since this is the busy time of year for both of us, we split the day. I worked in the morning and he worked in the afternoon. We had a Wheaton family Christmas dinner planned but Raegan and I had to miss it because the last thing any of us want is a sick child at Christmas. Her fever finally broke about 9:00 that night and we were in the clear! She was back to herself on Thursday morning and excited to go back to daycare.
Last night, Bob was snoring so he was sleeping in the basement. Raegan came into our room, which is not unusual. What is usual is putting her right back in her room. Since Bob wasn't there and I was tired, I just threw her in bed with me and we both went back to sleep. About 20 minutes later, she threw up - yes, all over our bed! I got her cleaned up and out in the living room onto a bed of towels and a bowl. This time, she has no fever, just keeps throwing up and is really listless. The second time she threw up was worse! but not out of her mouth. Yes, the poor child really does not feel good! I am already on my second load of "sick" laundry today. Once again, Bob and I are splitting the day. He went to work this morning and I am home with Raegan trying to disinfect the house before I go in this afternoon.
While I was watching her in the wee hours of the morning, I remember someone at work talking about a service that UM offers called Kids Kare at Home. This is for when a child or a daycare provider is sick. They will send either a child care provider or nurse, depending on how sick the child is, to our house at a discounted rate so that both parents can go to work. WONDERFUL!! Except that we are not registered! I called and registered us for next year but hopefully we will never have to use it.