Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Raegan's first parent teacher conference

Raegan's new school does parent teacher conferences and we just had our first one. It's amazing to hear about how your child behaves with other people.

We know that Raegan is a great kid, but the child her teacher was describing didn't seem like our child.

Here are some examples:

Raegan @ school - plays nicely with the other kids and doesn't take toys away from anyone. Raegan @ home - is constantly getting in trouble for taking Gavin's toys and yelling at him to stop.

Raegan @ school - is very polite and always uses her manners.
Raegan @ home - says things like "Daddy, I want water NOW!"

Raegan @ school - speaks very softly and the teachers would like her to work on speaking louder.
Raegan @ home - is always being asked to speak in her "inside" voice and not scream.

Raegan @ school - never asks for seconds on snacks or lunch.
Raegan @ home - eats non-stop! we even have to either have a snack for her when we pick her up from school or stop to get her something.

Here I thought nothing we said to her was sinking in, but her teacher said that it's not how the child acts with the parents, but in social settings like school. This is the first time since she was born that I feel like I might be doing something right! Well, not quite, but close enough.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gavin's trips to the emergency room

Gavin must have felt that Raegan had a lead in the emergency room visits, so he is trying to catch up! Here's his story.

Gavin started vomiting on Tuesday of last week. It started out as mucus, so we didn't think much of it. Then he got diarreah. By Thursday, he was throwing up whatever he ate, so just stopped eating. He started to lose weight and not wanting to drink anything either. He kept this up all weekend. Monday morning when we got up, he didn't have a wet diaper. I finally got ahold of our pediatrician around 10:30 and they sent us right to the ER for an IV. All four of us went up there and all of a sudden Raegan started shaking. We think she was still traumatized since this was the same ER we went to for Raegan's broken arm.

Gavin gave them enough trouble trying to get the IV in that they were debating on sedating him. Luckily he finally let them do their thing. Once that was in place, they took him for an x-ray. He would not sit still and they ended up taking about 9 pictures of his abdomen. Luckily it came back with no blockages. All of his blood work came back normal as well. After two pediatric bags of fluid, they let us go home. He went right down for a nap and woke up like a new baby! He was almost back to his normal self. Wewere just waiting for the tears and urine come back!

Tuesday, he went to day care and we thought he was goinng to be alright. I broke out in hives at work because I was so worried about Gavin. Bob went to pick him up and I got the call that he was still vomiting. Bob asked me to call the pediatrician again. They said to go right back to ER for more fluid. I ran home to pack a bag with the DVD player and Blue's Clues (which was an absolute lifesaver!!!), books, cars, jammies, etc. while Bob dropped Raegan off at Nana & Papa's house. (She has been such a trooper through all of this.) We got to the emergency room and after 2 hours of waiting ended up with the same doctor as the day before which we were happy about. They gave Gavin more saline and more sugar water. All of the fight had drained out of him at this point, so he didn't fight very hard with the IV this time. They also did more blood work. Since he was there two days in a row for the same thing, they wanted to admit him. Then they decided that if he could eat something and keep it down and if one of us stayed home with him for the next two days, they would let us go.

About 10:30 pm, they gave him a graham cracker and apple juice. He was so excited to eat, he just inhaled it! I was so glad! They wanted to keep him a while longer so we didn't get discharged until about 11:00.

We are home and I just have to push fluids today and tomorrow.

Here's a picture of him eating the magical graham cracker!