Ok. So we have neglected posting. Sorry. Our lives have been busy and doing this seems to take more effort than not.
Lets see... in the last 6 months Gavin turned 2 and Raegan turned 4. We flew to North Dakota to visit the Longmuir Clan, and somewhere in between we have managed to keep on moving.
Time flies. I looked at Molly the other day as the kids were playing and said 'they aren't babies any more'.
Raegan finished her first year of pre-school at the top of her class (ha ha) and is grown smarter by the minute. Recently, she tricked me into taking her to school on a day she was not supposed to be there (e.g. we did not pay for her to be there). She woke up, dressed for school and told me that she was excited about going to school 3 days in a row from now on. After a few minute of debate with her and seeing her decked out in her favorite school dress and my history of being wrong a lot, I figured she was right. So I took her to school. As the day went on, I contacted Molly to ask which kid she wanted me to get (Gavin from Daycare or Raegan from school). Her response- Why is Raegan in school today!!? My response- because she told me and we budgeted her to start going 3 days a week.
Well to my surprise, the 3-days a week wasn't starting until this week. Not the beginning of the month. Molly called the school and alerted them to the misunderstanding. I, on the other hand, have been taking verbal abuse from others over being hood-winked by a 4-year old girl. Sounds like I need to start a law school fund for her as well as the college fund now.
Gavin. Well, he's all boy and has no problem telling you so. He is talking non-stop and is becoming more of a handful than Raegan ever was. He has an affinity for Lighting McQueen (Cars Movie), matchbox cars, horses, baseball, and trains. He has also become good at identifying big and small airplanes when we pass Metro Airport. Loves to sit with me and watch the Tigers and likes watching "Family Guy". We are on the fence on that one, but we let him watch it since he is too young to get the adult content.
Both kids cruise the neighborhood now. Gavin with a battery powered ATV he got for Christmas and Raegan with a battery powered Purple Corvette she got for her 4th B-Day. Corvette comes complete with alarm, radio, and connection for your I-Pod. Most times she takes Gavin as a passenger, but lately the other little girls have been flocking to take a spin in the car leaving Gavin give chase on the ATV.
Otherwise, Molly and I have been keeping busy with work. Although I work from home now, I still travel quite a bit. Sneak in a few weekends up north to nana & papa's for some relaxtion.
Thats about it for now. If anyone still reads this, please leave a comment below.
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