Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Flu Claims Another...

As I slept peacefully last night I was a awakened by a clatter at about 1 am. Santa? No. Raegan? No. Cara? No. It was Molly sprinting into the bathroom as if her hair was on fire. Moments later the obligatory sounds waves of a stomach in distress came flowing from the bathroom. So now the flu has taken out yet another member of the Wheaton homestead.

Raegan seems to have recovered this morning. Gavin is doing well so they both went to daycare. God willing they survive the day there without incident. Gavin has 'the runs' and went through an outfit yesterday and went through one this morning just as I was putting him in his car seat. Nasty!

Between Gavin's teething Sunday night; Raegan's puking Monday night and now Molly Tuesday night, I am running on little sleep and a lot of double-shot Lattes from Starbucks.

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