Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I feel like an IDIOT!!

Gavin woke up crabby Saturday morning. When I was feeding him his cereal, I noticed a big white spot on his tongue. When I tried to touch it, he grabbed my hands and pulled them away. I couldn't scrape it with my finger. I had originally thought it was spit up. I kind of let it go, but then after I put him down for his nap it really started to bother me.

I ended up calling the peds office and they think it is thrush. They don't have any appointments left today so told me to "treat" it over the weekend and bring him in on Monday. They said that since he is a generally healthy baby, not to worry about it.

Ok, fast forward to Monday. I took Gavin to the doctor for his "thrush." The doctor examined him and guess what - HE BIT HIS TONGUE!!! She said the white spot was the dead skin before it fell off. Now I feel like a complete tool, but in my defense, I called the pedi office on Saturday, told them what his tongue looked like and THEY said it sounded like thrush. AAAHHH!!! How embarrassing!!!!

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